Hidden in Plain Sight

Grant Memorial.jpg
Off the Mall - Chief Justice Marshall.jpg
Grant Memorial.jpg
Off the Mall - Chief Justice Marshall.jpg

Hidden in Plain Sight


Casual and Family Friendly |   3 hours   |  6-10 miles

DC is well known for its memorials, but there are many significant, fascinating, and beautiful memorials that are all but forgotten or unknown even to DC’s residents. Whether you are a resident who wants to explore some of the lesser known sights to show your friends, or you are a traveler looking for a tour too obscure for any regular commercial establishment, come enjoy this ride around DC that is well off the beaten path.

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Depending on your interests, this 3 hour tour includes the original Lincoln memorial (over 50 years older than the large temple known so well), and memorials to George Mason and John Ericsson, amazing fountains and gardens like Bartholdi Park, and some tucked away spots most tour guides don’t even know!